PSA - significado y definición. Qué es PSA
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Qué (quién) es PSA - definición

Psa; PSA (disambiguation); P.S.A.; PS A

Problem Statement Analizer. See PSL/PSA.
Python Software Activity (Reference: Python)
Pacific Southwest Airlines         
  • [[US Airways]] [[Airbus A319]]<!-- painted--> in PSA's livery (note:  PSA never operated Airbus aircraft)
  • PSA 1953 logo
  • [[Lockheed L-188 Electra]] of PSA around 1959
  • Boeing 737-200]] with the “smiling” livery in 1984
  • PSA smile on a<br />[[Lockheed L-1011 TriStar]]
  • Passengers boarding a<br />[[Boeing 727]] in 1971
PSA Inc.; Pacific Southwest Airlines Inc.; Padfic Southwest Airlines; Pacific Southwest Airlines-PSA; PSA Magazine; Pacific Southwest Airlines Inc; Pacific Southwest Airlines, Inc.; Pacific Southwest (airline)
Pacific Southwest Airlines (PSA) was a United States airline headquartered in San Diego, California, that operated from 1949 to 1988. It was the first large discount airline in the United States.



PSA, PsA, Psa, or psa may refer to:

Ejemplos de pronunciación para PSA
1. So therefore, it's PSA.
Human Centric Technologies Impact _ Frances West _ Talks at Google
2. PSA looked like.
Free-Flying Space Robots _ Jose Benavides _ Talks at Google
3. Let's run the rhino PSA.
WildAid _ Peter Knights _ Talks at Google
4. Really cool picture of PSA--
Free-Flying Space Robots _ Jose Benavides _ Talks at Google
5. head of PSA here at Google.
Nigel Ng _ Nigel Ng Meets Uncle Roger _ Talks at Google
Ejemplos de uso de PSA
1. "PSA International confirms that it has made an approach to The Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company (P&O)," a PSA statement said, without providing details.
2. The other PSA projects are operated by Exxon and Total.
3. "The investigation can result in one of two decisions –– either the PSA will be rejected or we can negotiate to change the PSA," he said.
4. PSA has no production facilities in country yet. (Reuters, Bloomberg) «
5. The trades union reacted strongly to the PSA attack.